BDSM Confessions: Why do men love to be submissive than being dominant in bed?

Men Want Affection and Attention

Mainstream media has taught us a lot about power dynamics in the bedroom. But is this so-called natural power dynamic really as common as they want us to think? The answer is — not really. More often than not, men are the ones in charge in the bedroom and in life. They know what they want, and they need a woman that can handle it all. However, things can be a little (or a lot) different in real life.


Surprise! Men can be submissive, too. In fact, they love and often enjoy it more than women do. But submissive men aren’t weak or lesser than any other, no matter what society and stereotypes say. So, what’s the catch? Men simply want affection and attention. It’s true that a woman’s pleasure is often given more thought, but we can’t forget about our men.


Men have become much more submissive nowadays to force women to give them the affection and attention they desire. There’s nothing wrong with that because there are a lot of dominant women that are looking for submissive men for BDSM and other fun activities. So, submissive men — don’t be so shy.

Being Submissive Is a Man’s Way to Give Security

Unfortunately, many men are not that good with words. That means they fall short when it comes to expressing their feelings to women. This can be a problem they can’t fix easily. Why? Because this kind of communication needs a lot of work that not everyone is ready to commit to. So, what can these men do instead? Be submissive!


Submissiveness and obedience are great ways to show your emotions. It might seem confusing at first, but this is a great way for a man to give security. What does this mean? It simply means he feels safe and secure enough to put himself and his pleasure in the hands of his woman. BDSM may involve some risky behavior, but there are no risks to being submissive. That’s because setting boundaries and having safe words is mandatory. So, a submissive can stop all plays whenever he feels overwhelmed.

Men Want to Sit Back and Relax

Did you ever wonder why men love dominant women? They’re tired of doing all the work! Let’s be honest: men often do a lot more in bed than women. That means they’re getting exhausted faster and maybe even underperforming. So, sometimes men need their women to take charge and show what they can do.

Being sexually submissive gives them just what they want — the ability to enjoy sex to the fullest without doing much work. Instead, the woman pleases herself and the man at the same time. Unfortunately, this is something many men don’t realize about being submissive. Sex can be much more effortless if you only give up the power you think is reserved only for you. A woman in charge can do things that will make your head spin. All you need to do is let her.

Submissive Men Believe There Are No Gender Roles in Sex

Society imposes a lot of gender stereotypes on us all. Gender roles should’ve been a thing of the past, but they prevail. In fact, they shouldn’t exist at all, but we can understand them to a point. Men and women are more genetically wired for certain things, so they excel at specific jobs. However, these gender roles don’t apply to everything.


In society, men usually hold more power and dominance over women. We’re not talking about sex here, but all areas of life. This is because they’re in positions of power more often, so it almost feels natural to them at this point. But women can be just as powerful and in charge.

Submissive men know this best of all. Why? Because they believe that stereotypical gender roles are nonsense. Many men struggle with letting go of their power, let alone giving it to a woman. Unfortunately, they don’t know how liberating it can feel not to hold the reins for a while, but we encourage them to find out. We know they’ll never look back once they experience how incredible sex and obedience, in general, are.

Men Love Women Who Know What They Want

Finally, let’s talk about another wrong stereotype that follows women wherever they go. These women just don’t know what they want! Well, at least that’s what the majority of people think. It’s true that some of them are unsure of what they want at times, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Uncertainty is something we all experience, no matter our sex or gender. That uncertainty follows us in our sex lives, too.


Communication is essential when it comes to all sexual activities, and especially all things BDSM. Not only that, but it has to be clear and straightforward. That means all parties involved need to know what they want. Since men seem to have that covered, it’s up to women to figure their desires out.

That’s why men love dominant women — they know what they want. Of course, dominant women comply with their submissive’s wishes, too. So, it’s not all about what she wants. Still, it’s good that she knows what her desires are because this ensures all sex activities will go smoother. The way we see it, the best way for men to get what they want in bed is to be submissive.